DTS Verse

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Monday, August 1, 2011


Everything here is translated. Either Ty will talk and lalo will translate or lalo will talk and Ty will translate. It is hard because a lot of the times the jokes will nit translate and either we will be laughing and the mexicans won't or vis versa. Facial expressions are everything. We played jenga as students tonight and it was sooooooo funny! There would be times of awkward intense silence and there would be times of great laughter, usually brought about by facial expressions or hand motions. Leydhi is a great help! She is bilingual and also knows korean. She is awesome! It is dusty and hot here but not that humid which is super nice. I finally washed the clothes I threw up on! Spanish is coming back to me faster than i thought but it is difficult to piece everything together especially when they are talking so fast. Overall it has been great, with a few headaches, a lot of yawns, and a lot of fun!

Los amo

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your comments Kels! Hope all is well. Love Mary V
