DTS Verse

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So I still cannot upload pictures with my ipad but Elizabeth generously let me use her computer to upload some:) so thanks to her you can see what my life is like. Hopefully there will be more pictures to come!          
This is our apartment/house/dorm/living space. The boys is on the left and ours in on the right :) 
This is our 'kitchen table' leydhi has the peace sign and Lauren is on the left
This is our kitchen. Marissa is on the computer and Elizabeth is in front of the sink. Their bedroom is to the right and Estrella and Leydhi's is to the right. The door next to the fridge is the bathroom.

This is our little bathroom. :)
This should be the living room but it instead is where me and Lauren sleep. I have the top bunk. This picture is from when we just moved in so that is why Laurens bunk is so messy. She is alot more organized than that :)

This is Marissa and I

So we toured Juarez yesterday but before we went downtown we went up the mountain to see the overview of the city. This photo is compliment of Marissa. I LOVE it.

This is Me, Marissa, Leydhi and Estrella right before we watched the movie last night!
 So this is how I have been living lately and I love it. No pictures can describe it! The told us we would take a group picture like two days ago but we never do things when they say we will because Ty is bad a remembering, which is ok, but I really want to show you guys our entire group. Oh well this will have to do for now. Love you all sooooooo much!!!!!