DTS Verse

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Monday, September 12, 2011


Ok so I just had the longest post of my life written down about Creel. It wasn't finished but it had already consumed 2 hours of my day. And as i had already done before, I left the page to do something quick before dinner, and it was gone when I reloaded the page. Usually this would not be a problem because it saves what I write like every minute, but I decided to try the new blogger thing and it doesn't do that. So now I am so frustrated, almost to the point of tears. I am going to dinner now but after i will give you all a short sneak peak of Creel. Here i go! I'm saving it this time! Alrigh, I'm in a much better mood. I just played a while with Phillip, he the 3 year old son of Paula my one on one leader. Creel was beautiful, lovely, fun, tiring, crazy busy, crazy in general and thought provoking. It was beautiful because of the green grass, trees and mountains. The rain, the bright stars shining through the dark night. The wonderful mountains and the rocks. It was lovely because it was a perfect temperature with a wonderful smell. It was great fellowship and amazing food. It was fun because of all the rock climbing, the jokes, the animals, the adventures and the people It was tiring because of the insaine amount of child care we did, the adventures and the scheduling It was crazy busy because we tried to pack everything into a few days. We were scheduled back to back with things at many points It was crazy in general because almost the entire staff came half way through and there were so many people at the small base And it was thought provoking because of first of all one certain intercession time we had and class about the sovereignty of God (we smushed 5 classes into 3 days) and here is where I expand on what i learned. In one time of intercession i learned so much. It started by recognition of Estrella seeing a pink rag. The first time we ever had intercession together i had thought of a pink wash cloth. Estrella remembered that and felt like it was God's promise of answering us about Outreach at Creel. (although this did not happen, i believe that this is significant and we did hear things that are important). We also confronted our apathy. I had no idea that was something that could happen or hinder, but it was very much and once we rebuked that out intercession was less heavy and low. We also confronted disunity. It is something we have all been working on from then on. It's hard but it will be totally worth it down the road. Ty had us think about if we were willing to go ANYWHERE God wants us to, and after some thought i believe that although it would be cool to go somewhere crazy it would be better to go where God calls us, even if we stay in Juarez. We had been hearing a lot about Africa but when we tried to find where in Africa we were not getting anywhere so Ty had us give Africa back to God because he flet that it was a road block. On last thing I learned through Ty about intercession during this time was that we might be focusing our interession too much on outreach. God could be trying to tell us something personal and we throw it to the side because we only want answers about outreach. All of that was influential to me. Class: The sovereignty of God was taught by a tall white Dutch man named Henk Kaemingk. He grew up in Holland so it was difficult to understand Him in both English and Spanish. He is so wise that a lot of his points slipped out of my reach but there are many things that i learned that were influential and great to think about. Here is what i wrote in my journal the day after the last class, Class has been a lot different. It might be the difference in location or the fat that this topic: the Sovereignty of God, almost coincides with last weeks: the Evidences of Salvtion. It was encouraging when Henk would repeat what Stephen said last week. It was also confusing though when things would contradict or conflict. Some key things I learned: - although it is called "the fall of man" it was no accident. We should refer to it as the "fall of the kingdom" -God gives us responsibility to listen to His authority - we can easily resist God's authority but we cannot resist God's power -God works through his authority more than His power because He wants us to have free will and not be robots - God want us to have a choice. That is why He allows Satan on the earth. To give us the opposite choice. - we believe a lie for 2 reasons 1: we use an excuse because our desire is so strong 2: we are ignorant of the power of God. - God wants us to walk to perfection, as long as you are walking in the correct direction, you will not feel condemned. Although we will die on the path to perfection, the walk is the challenge to be more like Jesus - "joy in affliction" is not an emotional joy - and last but not least which i had to practice today is: how we experience trials determines a lot on ourselves. Henk talked for a while on trials and tribulations and thus today as i was typing and then there was no more post, i decided instead of being dreary to try and see the best and stay uplifted. It was hard but I realized that it is a lot better and a lot more fun if you change yourself. I'm glad that I took this small step toward perfection but it would have been nice if i could have kept my post. But hey! God is sovereign! If you guys have the chance you should visit creel :)

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