DTS Verse

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ready for a normal week.

It's been tough trying to get everything done with crazy amounts of non-normal weeks in a row!
But I am slowly getting there and they were some awesome weeks and I wouldn't trade them out.
Class this week was on purpose. It was fun because there was a lot of activities and personal stuff. Overall it was a week of things that I already knew but not about these people. I already knew that I am an extrovert with administration gifts but it was interesting to see everyone elses answers. During on of the classes we had to share our best and worst experiences and that turned out to be quite emotional. Myrna gave us this list of opposites. If you did things on the left of the paper you were acted like an orphan. But if you did the things on the right of the paper you acted like a son of God. It was very interesting and I learned that there was a lot of things that I have to try and slowly work on to act more like a Child of God. It was a good week and just to let you know, you have a purpose :). If you need to know why/how, just let me know:).
The boys were gone this weekend because they both went home, and so last night we had a girls night. We ate pizza and tortilla chips and wathced Confessions of a Shopaholic to start the night off. Then we tok a break and came back for karaoke! It was hard with the language barrier bit that almost made it more fun. We were soooooo loud. So loud! So, what happened next, was. . . We got yelled at. Our leaders we're all gone so another staff member came in and yelled at us. It wasn't handled the best but we stopped, went back into our apartment and wathced Stick-it! My favorite movie ever!!!! The whole experience was just funny and strange.
Also on Saturday, i went into the kitchen in the morning to help Liz with brunch. I went into the pantry and I could count about 15 of those big nasty flies. I decided to make it my job to get rid of them. Turns out there were way more than 15. I foug those flies for about a half hour and there were still soe left. I had a victory pile of dead flies on the ground and it was about the size of my hand. The bad thing about the flies was that as soon as i hit them with the flyswatter they would dart in an unknown direction. So there were many that fell into hiding, trying to recover. It was a crazy experince, none-the-less.
For my book report on Spiritual warfare I wrote two poems. I am proud of them no matter how cheesy or bad they are so i decided that i would post them on here:) hope you enjoy!
Spiritual Warfare:
Dearest child who i created whole,
Life is difficult, trust me, i know.
Spiritual warfare is a part of your soul,
But please, loved one, don't go with the flow.

Be enduring, humble,
And worhsip me always,
And you will be the warrior that Satan can't stumble

I made you to love conflict,
So that you could join with me,
To together throughly evict,
All evil things, even those. You can't see

This daily fight is never compressed.
Don't ever stop.
Be aware of the Devil, but never impressed.

Relationship is also key here,
Ask me anything and stay persistent.
I do not frown on you; stay near,
I want you a part of this, not distant.

I love you so much,
More than you know.
Stay beautiful and aware of my touch.

Dear Devil:
I am a Spiritual Warrior,
No matter who I am.
You may call me a failure,
But I have His authority and power.

I will not stand by
And watch, avoiding the pain.
Wilderness is hard, no lie,
But with endurance i will forever gain.

I will be aware of every though,
Never giving you a hold.
With His blood I've been bought
And you will not turn me cold.

Listen here you fallen being,
I have an angel of protection
Who wathced over me with singing.
You may not take even one action.

I know i have your pride,
Your unbelief and fear,
But I will stand by His side
And always keep Him near.

I am not weak.
I will worship Him always.
Worship only Him, staying meek,
Which, sadly, is not common now-a-days.

But i will not stand for it.
I will stand only against it.

I love you guys and thank you for all the support.
I'm super tired right now, and still have a sufficient amount of stuff to do. If you could keep me in your prayers i would much appreciate it :)

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