DTS Verse

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dios Asombroso

God is so amazing! It is incredible! At the beginning of this post I stated out loud to those at the table, "I already titled a post God's Provision!" He is continuing to show us how awesome He is and how He will provide. Yesterday, we had a family meeting about finances and Ty brought up the idea of what if, and plan B. This was very discouraging but we had to face the facts, the money wasn't coming in. Well, I think that ignited a spark under us all. Us girls got together for a prayer time for an hour and a half past lights out, we agreed to stay accountable in ways we have all been struggling and I began to ask what else I can could do. This obviously was God's sovereignty. God was saying, "Hello! Finally! You understand! Look what I can do when you obey!!!" I can say all of this because as of today everyone's tuition is paid off! We all still have our outreach fees but this is the home stretch! God is so faithful and loving. We celebrated tonight by having cake and thanking God for everything and acknowledging that we believe He will provide the rest. Thank you guys so much for your prayers. They have been so encouraging, you don't even know! Continue to keep us in your prayers and enjoy the love He has for you!

2 corinthinans 12:9-10

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