DTS Verse

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Sunday, October 16, 2011


The maintenance man here is named Felix. He is also the pastor of the church that meets on base. He and his wife held a luchador fight at their 'comedor' right down the street on Saturday. We decided as a group that we wanted to sell candy and pop (I get mocked for saying that word) for the people who show up. So on Friday we went over there for an hour and a half Nd swept and mopped the whole place. Then on saturday we got there 40 mins early to help set up (we did nothing but watch). During the whole thing there was clowns, Mario and luigi passing out candy with a gorilla and a cat, little luchadores, big luchadores and then the main luchadores. At intervals there was worship music and they provided hot dogs for everyone. The main luchadores put on more of a show than a fight. It was supposed to be the battle between good and evil. Afterword Felix gave his testimony and talked to the kids about God. It was a long day as we stayed at helped clean up, staying a total of 6 hours. And I hate to say it but we actually lost $20. So today we sold the extras after church. Eli was a great little salesmen. We still have some left but we are now in the positive! :) looks like we'll all get about $10. That's ok though because more people heard about us and our outreach. I feel like our entire weekend was focused on those luchadores!
We got a little bored and the lighting was sweet!

Joshua playing hiding from his dad (Felix) behind me
Eli being an awesome salesman!

Ps. It was super hot this weekend, especially today. I wore a sleeveless shirt and my shoulders got burnt!

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